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Easy to use HTTP Client for PHP

SimplecURL - Making a Request

This project is archived. Use at your own caution.

Creating a new Client

To make requests, you need to create a client:

$client = new SimplecURL\Client;

Sending a Request

$res = $client->request('GET', '');

The above code snippet sends a GET request to

You can also use other methods, such as DELETE, to make your requests:

$res = $client->request('DELETE', '');

Sending POST Data

If you want to send some form data using a POST request, pass it to request()’s options array:

$res = $client->request('POST', '', [
    'postfields' => [
        'Foo' => 'Bar'

This will add the POST parameter Foo with a value of Bar to your request.

Next: Parameter Bags