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Easy to use HTTP Client for PHP

SimplecURL - Parameter Bags

This project is archived. Use at your own caution.

What are they and how do they work?

Look at the following request example:

$res = $client->request('POST', '', [
    'postfields' => [
        'Foo' => 'Bar'

The above snippet uses an array for additional options. However, you can also use objects to set options:

$bag = new SimplecURL\ParameterBag;
$bag->setPostfield('Foo', 'Bar');

$res = $client->request('POST', '', $bag);

Both code snippets will produce the exact same result. Everything that can be set using arrays can also be set using a parameter bag:

$bag = new SimplecURL\ParameterBag;

$bag->setHeader('Some-Header', 'True');
$bag->setPostfield('Foo', 'Bar');
$bag->allowRedirects(); /* and */ $bag->disallowRedirects();

Those values can also be retrieved from the bag:


Should I use arrays or parameter bags?

That’s totally up to you, it’s just personal preference. This manual will show both ways of doing it.

Next: Using Responses