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Easy to use HTTP Client for PHP

SimplecURL - Custom Headers and the User Agent

This project is archived. Use at your own caution.

Changing the User Agent

Under some circumstances you may need to change the library’s user agent (the default user agent looks like this: SimplecURL/0.1.0 (like cURL/7.67.0; PHP/7.4.1)):

$client = new SimplecURL\Client;

The above code snippet sets the client’s user agent to CustomUA/1.0.0. It will be applied on all requests made using this client.

Adding custom Headers

Attaching custom headers to a request is very easy:

$bag = new SimplecURL\ParameterBag;
$bag->setHeader('Name', 'Value');

$res = $client->request('GET', '', $bag);

# +----+
# | Or |
# +----+

$res = $client->request('GET', '', [
    'headers' => [
        'Name: Value'

This will add the header Name with a value of Value.

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